12 Jun 2011

Legalisasi ganja dan Pencukaian Boleh Menghasilkan Jutaan Ringgit

Ini berlaku di Amerika Syarikat,Cukai yang di kenakan ke atas pekebun dan penjual perubatan ganja memcecah 1 million.kerajaan mereka maseh megkaji penggunaan ganja dalam bidang perubatan,di California, sahaja dispensari menjual ganja sebagai perubatan tumbuh bak cendawan selepas hujan..Amerika state law menyatakan bahawa ganja adalah dilarang,manakala california federal law menyatakan penggunaan ganja bagi tujuan perubatan adalah di boleh kan.kini ia menjadi perdebatan antara kerajaan dan pesakit2 marijuana.baca lebih lanjut ↓
This topic of legalizing marijuana in other states and collect taxes has received more attention in today’s current economic standings than previously. With multiple states having to perform cutbacks leading to more job loss, states as California where marijuana is legal for medicinal purposes actually has supported the states budget deficit by adding over $1 million in tax dollars generated from marijuana dispensaries across the state.
The question of legalizing marijuana has reached the desks of President Obama and he also shares his views about this possibility, see below.
As more and more start to accept the ACTUAL benefits of marijuana for health purposes there continues to shine a light for those who pursue the legalization of this medicine. States can thrive from the benefits of taxation while also creating a spark in the local job market from dispensary openings, support local horticulture centers while local farmers grow the medicine to be distributed.
Go here for more information on marijuana taxes.

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