13 Jun 2011

Bagaimana Cara Sukses Membangun Bisnes Marijuana...Saya rasa Datuk Seri Najib bagus pergi conference ni

How Can You Succeed in Building a Sustainable Marijuana
Business in the Current Environment?

Following the success of The Marijuana Conference last year in New York City, DealFlow Media is hosting this event in San Francisco.  This is the only non-biased event covering the business, legal and health issues surrounding the growing debate over marijuana in the United States. The most concentrated group of investment professionals, business owners, attorneys, state legislators, and physicians attend The Marijuana Conference because it’s a forum geared for business-to-business networking and education.
The agenda for this two-day event covers everything from the legal and regulatory concerns, the economics of a small business or dispensary, tax implications, ancillary business opportunities, legislative updates, health issues, the structure of investments and much more.
What is the present status of federal and state laws, and how do they impact businesses structuring start-up capital?
This event is imperative for anyone interested in learning about the business of marijuana, and how to take the necessary steps to build a sustainable marijuana business.

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